Building automation technology
The WAGO gateway enables data exchange between home or building automation systems and Viessmann heating devices (with CAN interface) via Modbus or BACnet protocol.
WAGO BACnet/IP Gateway
For BMS communication with heating systems via BACnet IP protocol. Available with or without an MS/TP router.
For BMS communication with heating systems via Modbus RTU protocol.
For BMS communication with heating systems via Modbus TCP protocol.
WAGO gateways for your building automation systems
A WAGO gateway enables data exchange between Viessmann boilers with a CAN data interface and a building automation system, via Modbus or BACnet protocol. The WAGO gateway has an integrated CAN interface for communication with the Viessmann heating devices.
The WAGO gateway enables communication with external control systems for the following functions:
- Operation/control of the heating system (e.g. setting values, operating conditions)
- Monitoring heating system operating data (e.g. viewing current values, operating conditions)
- Forwarding messages (e.g. fault messages)
Data points of interest can be selected quickly and easily using the "WebVisu" configuration tool, which can be accessed via the integrated web server.
Defining data points and communication parameters with the WebVisu configuration tool
Extensive options for filtering and selecting the required data points increase transparency when defining the correct data points.
It is possible to import configuration data into the gateway or export it from the device, either via the configuration tool or via the card interface. With an XML export function, the required data points can be exported and then imported into the project tool.
The device has gateway diagnostic functions and online help. To increase data security, the integrated configuration tool requires authorization for access.
WebVisu tool

System overview

Installation & service instructions – WAGO BACnet gateway
Installation & service instructions – WAGO BACnet gateway with MS/TP router
Installation & service instructions – WAGO Modbus gateways
Commissioning manual – WAGO BACnet gateway
Commissioning manual – WAGO Modbus gateways
Data points list for BACnet & Modbus – Vitocrossal 200 CI2
Data points list for BACnet & Modbus – Vitodens 200 B2HE
BACnet BTL Product Listing for PFC200 controller
BACnet Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)
Application information -
WAGO product information for the PFC200 controller -
WAGO BACnet Configurator program (required to change BACnet ID) -
WAGO Upload program (required to update the PLC) -
WAGO Ethernet Settings program
Software update

How to update the WAGO gateway
The following steps must be performed for the software update:
1. Download the appropriate zip file below (please note the correct BUS variant) and then unpack it.
2. Place the unzipped firmware file in the same folder as the WAGO Upload program.
3. Open the WAGO Upload program and select the correct firmware file; confirm the selection with OK.
4. Find your WAGO gateway using the Upload program, and then click Next to start the update.
Note: More detailed instructions can be found in the WAGO Commissioning manual on pages 11 and 12.